May 30, 2022Liked by Addie Broyles

So happy to feel your joy through this piece. You deserve all the best love in the world.

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May 24, 2022Liked by Addie Broyles

Very sweet :-)

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Appreciate it, Jeff.

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May 24, 2022Liked by Addie Broyles

Addie you have once again warmed my heart.

“The pandemic has shapes us in ways we will never fully understand”

Nothing to add, simply lovely writing.

Congratulations to you both, we are social animals. Your boys will soon be out of the house, you Need a partner that completes you…


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Thank you so much for this, Jim. Life beyond kids is something that’s easy to forget about when they’re home. I’m so glad to have found Frank. Congrats on your recent anniversary!

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I love this story! I remember visiting you somewhere in the beginning of your relationship, meeting Frank and sharing dinner at Alberto and Edie’s. I could tell you were head over heals about him then. I’m head over heals happy for you two! Congratulations!!

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