Jun 23, 2022Liked by Addie Broyles

Wow Addie. This is powerful for me. I too graduated in 1972 and there was no real organized track competitive sport for girls in school. I knew it was wrong and was very upset about it. Angry. I was on the track team even though it meant nothing. I was also the fastest runner in Houston against both girls and boys in elementary school and even in junior high I was faster than the boys. The Junior Olympics asked me to join every year but it would have meant spending summers and weekends away from my family. And the beach! I wanted to compete in my own town and state with the schools and there was nada. Nada nada empanada. I'm thinking you play basketball with Martha Pinkoffs? Great writing Addie! Tomboys unite!!

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Katy! You sporty spice you! I love knowing this about you, and my heart aches that you didn’t get a chance to live out your athletic dreams. Thank you for being such a good mama and grandmama and friend to so many. Martha is a unifying force!

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Addie Broyles

You and Martha! We need y'all!! I'm still pretty mad although anger is foreign to my soul. I'm about to be a grandma for five days straight. Old for that. Haha. All that running is probably why I'm still alive.

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Katie, I also prided myself and being the tallest of all the girls and boys in fifth and sixth grade. I could out run everyone! That’s impressive that you were invited to be in the Olympics. I can only imagine what you could’ve accomplished with title nine.

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It was fun wasn’t it? Flying along. I knew I could have been a runner and lead an interesting life. I was the second tallest girl! Legs. I used to run seven miles down the beach and seven miles back, just to see if Bonnie was home. She usually wasn’t. 😂 I ran until I neared sixty. Now I walk, mainly because I’m lazy.

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Jun 23, 2022·edited Jun 23, 2022Liked by Addie Broyles

Coincidentally, a picture of our girls' high school group, The Sweetie Babes, was featured in the history section of the Aurora Advertiser today. I was absent from the picture, but it was fun to see all those smiling female "athletes" who performed at the boys' high school basketball halftimes.

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Go Sweetie Babes!!

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Addie Broyles

Team sports disappeared when recess disappeared in 7th grade. I pitched softball in sixth grade along with dodgeball and kickball in elementary school.

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That’s my mom! You’re a great team player. :)

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I e always said sports can prepare you for so many things in life, especially if you have a good coach. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a man or woman. Athletics teaches you so many things that you can apply in everyday life. Glad things are evening out but still got sone work to do. But we’re getting there.

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