Mar 10, 2022Liked by Addie Broyles

You can have EVERY sprig of sticky willie that ever was, for all of me. If I even brush against the stuff, I get nasty, itchy contact dermatitis that lasts for hours. My lawn is covered in it every spring, despite my strenuous efforts across the past couple of springs to Roundup it back across the fence from my neighbor's yard (rent house; they don't care whether it comes or goes).

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Oh no! I react that way to lantana.

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Mar 12, 2022Liked by Addie Broyles

Somehow that sounds familiar, too. Mostly I just react to Outdoors generally. Me and Mother Nature, we ain't friends. 😋

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I always intend to skim … unlike your regular readers I’m not into the world of either food or nature in the passionate and playful way you are. But you’re such a damn good writer… I spend more time reading and then always think of someone I want to share it with. What a talented, smart, entertaining and thoughtful human you are. And a dear friend too. Stay in touch dear heart!

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Thank you, Nathalie! I'm glad I can shine a little light on your day.

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You described our Florida experiences with such great detail! It was a magical playground for nature. The herbal knowledge you’re gaining is so valuable. I can’t wait to learn more!

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The magical forest! I'm glad I was old enough to remember it. :)

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