
"These exciting-but-challenging situations where you feel a little over your head are rich fertilizers for your professional garden."

Phew. I firmly believe this — I've not been 100% prepared for most (all?) of the amazing, fun, surprising things I've done in my professional and personal life.

And/but some days, it feels like a lot. That's why today, I'm working in my pajamas (after writing an intimidating 'grownup' email yesterday, writing a few thousand words, and having a far too adult conversation with a family member).

My advice would be to remember that you don't have to be a striver EVERY DAY. Some days are maintenance and/or recovery. To be our best, we need to take breaks from output to fill the well with creative inputs — and remember to occasionally take the time to chill out to prevent a burn out. —Mel

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Addie was amazing in my Food Journalism class -- her insight, inspiration and honesty were just the ingredients my students needed!

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