Apr 1, 2023Liked by Addie Broyles

What Kristina said: "full of golden nuggets" I feel guided and supported in my nascent quest to not become overwhelmed by all the big bad stuff, and focus on the good, and what I can do. Really appreciate the adrienne marie brown excerpt, that is very practical, real, DOABLE. Many thanks for this inspired column (post? installment?)

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Thank you, Elizabeth! This means so much. Emergent Strategy is such a reliable way to feel better about the world (or at least my place in it) when things feel like they are going south. I hope you have a great week!

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Addie Broyles

Wow, this has so many golden nuggets to glean. I just wrote "there is always enough time for the right work " down on a card to keep reminding myself to pause and not jump so fast. Oh and "move at the speed of trust" this is new to me and def something to take time and ponder on. I've been processing some of my hard feelings of the world this week into spring cleaning and listening to old classic novels on audio while doing it. It's been an easy way to slow myself down. I just love the hand quilt idea. Sending you love and light!

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Hello, friend! I totally think revisiting those old classic novels is a great example of slowing down and focusing on something small, just for a moment. There is always enough time for the right work!

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Mar 31, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023Liked by Addie Broyles

Addie, thanks!

I am still learning and loved donating to Creative Reuse store. Somehow creating art makes the world a better place.

Love this-----"But before I go, here are the rest of the principles from Emergent Strategy, which adrienne maree brown describes as “a strategy for building complex patterns and systems of change through relatively small interactions”:

Small is good, small is all. (The large is a reflection of the small.)

Change is constant. (Be like water.)

There is always enough time for the right work.

There is a conversation in the room that only these people at this moment can have. Find it.

Never a failure, always a lesson.

Trust the People. (If you trust the people, they become trustworthy.)

Move at the speed of trust. Focus on critical connections more than critical mass — build the resilience by building the relationships.

Less prep, more presence.

What you pay attention to grows."

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It's kind of amazing to think about that connection between art and feeling better about the world. So glad you like these Emergent Strategy principles!

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