Jun 14, 2021Liked by Addie Broyles

You brought me back to our trip to Costa Rica many moons ago. Thank you for sharing and the time travel I needed to start this week off. <3

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Jun 14, 2021Liked by Addie Broyles

Love this dispatch … I too resist all things organized and I too resisted a guided tour of Manuel Antonio and I too was grateful my husband insisted. The guide was wonderful and we saw animals we would have never seen on our own. It made us slow down and really see what was there all along. Enjoy, enjoy!

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Those husbands with their good ideas! Thanks, Sharyn!

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Jun 14, 2021Liked by Addie Broyles

Loved this! As I'm getting ready to take off on my first post covid travel this week you gave me an excellent reminder in not being a greedy traveler. So glad y'all are having a wonderful time. Can't wait to catch up on your adventure when you get back! :)

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I hope you have an awesome adventure of your own! Can’t wait to hear about it. ❤️❤️

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