May 20, 2021Liked by Addie Broyles

I never thought about my camping box as a treasured possession until I read this post! It's been a season of downsizing lately, spring cleaning, clearing out what is not memorable and unusable. The camping box is untouched, ready and waiting for the next trip. These items have been stored and used for the past 40 plus years. The only thing I removed was the tent whisk broom. It's is my kitchen and I just used it yesterday to clean off the debris gathered by walking around White Park where fences and ball fields were destroyed from the deluge of rain. Camping is a much needed getaway. Keep camping and clearing the cobwebs of your mind; looking to your next adventure which I'm sure will be amazing!

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Clearing the cobwebs out is a great way to put it. Love you!

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Gahhhhhh!!! Exciting news!!

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It's so exciting!

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Love the story of the frisbee-I'm so excited to see where your new ventures lead you. You will be sorely missed by your Statesman readers but highly encouraged by your community to reach for the stars.

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Love you, friend!

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